Calendar Filters

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Out of the box, the Calendar Widgets come with a handful of predefined filters people can use in the different sources, some of which is already in use as default.


Filters is an easy way to quickly adjust what data is shown in a calender.


The filter Configuration can be found by going to Edit/Create Calender > open any source > Press the Custom SQL filters button






The Parameter name is used in the different calendar sources to create the filter as part of the source

Default Value

This field is used to define the value used by the filter when no value is chosen


NB: The default value needs to be used when setting up the filters for the different sources


(@FilterProductionOrderType =' ' OR T0.Type =@FilterProductionOrderType)

Filter Name

This fields is used to define the filters name as shown in the calendar sidebar when the filter is in use


Filter SQL

The SQL used to define the different values to Filter By.


The SQL needs to contains a minimum of 2 Columns where the first column value is the 'Filter Value' (value used in the Source SQL) and the Second Column is the value shown in the filter combo box

Hide First Column

This field defines if the First column from the Filter SQL should be shown in the filter combo box

Restore defaults

this button restore the Default out of the box filters