Command: MultiSetFromSQL

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Syntax: MultiSetFromSql(<target1>|<target2>|...|<targetN>|<sql>);


This Command works much like the set command, the difference being that you can set multiple values via a SQL command.


You can set X number of targets by having a | between each target. the value after the last | should always be the SQL statement.

This command only work if the number of targets is the same as the number of columns in the SQL statement


The Different Targets will get the value of their corresponding column in the SQL statement when reading from left to right.


[See video of this command in action]


Sample: MultiSetFromSql($[$43.0.0]|$[$45.0.0]|SELECT CardName, Balance FROM OCRD WHERE CardCode ='C20000')


This macro call will in the fields below getting the value of the corresponding columns

- $[$43.0.0] = CardName

- $[$45.0.0] = Balance


Similar/Related Commands:
- Blank
- BlankUdfSideBar
- MultiSetFromSQL
- Set
- SetUdfSidebar
- Transfer
- TransferBack
- TransferBackUdfSidebar
- TransferUdfSidebar