Opens the Opportunities. In special windows, like the Business Partner Master data window, it will draw the BP-code to the new opportunity so you do not need to type it yourself.
Blanket Agreement
Opens the Sales/Purchase Blanket Agreement. In special windows, like the Business Partner Master data window it will draw the BP-code to the new Agreement so you don’t need to type it yourself. If unable to determine a type, the add-on will ask you which type you want to open.
Opens the Sales/Purchase Quotation. In special windows, like the Business Partner Master data window it will draw the BP-code to the new Quotation so you don’t need to type it yourself. If unable to determine a type, the add-on will ask you which type you want to open.
Opens the Sales/Purchase Order window. In special windows, like the Business Partner Master data window, it will check the type of the current BP and open the respected window type (Sales Order for Customers and Purchase Order for Suppliers). This will draw the BP-code to the new Sales/Purchase Order so you don’t need to type it yourself. If unable to determine a type, the add-on will ask you which type you want to open.
Delivery/Goods Receipt PO
Opens the Delivery/Goods Receipt window. In special windows, like the Business Partner Master data window, it will check the type of the current BP and open the respected window type and draw the BP-code to the new window. If unable to determine a type, the add-on will ask you which type you want to open.
Return/Goods Return
Opens the Return/Goods Return window. In special windows, like the Business Partner Master data window, it will check the type of the current BP and open the respected window type and draw the BP-code to the new window. If unable to determine a type, the add-on will ask you which type you want to open.
Down Payment
Opens the Sales/Purchase Down Payment window. In special windows, like the Business Partner Master data window, it will check the type of the current BP and open the respected window type and draw the BP-code to the new window. If unable to determine a type, the add-on will ask you which type you want to open.
Opens the AP/AR Invoice window. In special windows, like the Business Partner Master data window, it will check the type of the current BP and open the respected window type and draw the BP-code to the new window. If unable to determine a type, the add-on will ask you which type you want to open.
Credit Note
Opens the AP/AR Credit Note window. In special windows, like the Business Partner Master data window, it will check the type of the current BP and open the respected window type and draw the BP-code to the new window. If unable to determine a type, the add-on will ask you which type you want to open.
Opens the Activity. In special windows, like the Business Partner Master data window, it will check the type of the current BP and transfer it.
Incoming Payment
Opens the incoming payment window. In special windows, like the Business Partner Master data window it, will draw the BP-code to window so you don’t need to type it yourself (also determines type).
Outgoing Payment
Opens the outgoing payment window. In special windows, like the Business Partner Master data window, it will draw the BP-code to window so you don’t need to type it yourself (also determines type).
Posting Periods
Open the General Setting and set the focus on the Posting Periods tab-page.
Open the Banking Reconciliation window.
Goods Receipt
Opens the Goods Receipt window. On special windows, like the Item Master Data, the active Item code will be draw onto the new window and be placed as a line so you don’t need to type it yourself.
Goods Issue
Opens the Goods Issue window. On special windows like the Item Master Data the active Item code will be draw onto the new window and be placed as a line so you don’t need to type it yourself.
Inventory Transfer
Opens the Inventory Transfer window. On special windows like the Item Master Data the active Item code will be draw onto the new window and be placed as a line so you don’t need to type it yourself.
Last Price Report
Opens the Last Price Report window. On special windows, like the Item Master Data, the active Item code will be draw onto the new window for easy use.
Special Prices
Opens the BP Special Prices window. On special windows, like the documents and BP Master data, the BP code will be draw onto the new window for easy use.
Discount Groups
Opens the Discount Groups window. On special windows, like the documents and BP Master data, the BP code will be drawn onto the new window for easy use.
Opens the Aging. On special windows, like the documents and BP Master data, the BP code will be draw onto the new window for easy use.
Universal Function
Enables you to activate a Universal Function from a function button. Which button to activate is chosen in the universal function field for the button (Press TAB to choose)
Do Nothing
Creates a menu there does nothing is include to make it easier to make header menus