Each template is different and contains different fields.
These fields support the usage of the following syntax's:
•Dynamic Syntax •SQLHtmlTable(<sql>) this will if given a SQL create a HTML table with a header containing the name of the columns and create rows containing the values. (MS TEAMS ONLY) oExample: SQLHtmlTable(SELECT CardCode, CardName FROM OCRD) •SQL(<sql>) this will if given a SQL insert the first value returned by the SQL into the email body. oExample: SQL(SELECT Balance FROM OCRD WHERE CardCode = '$[$4.0.0]') •SQLBULLETLIST(<sql>) this will if given a SQL create a Bullet list (one item per row the SQL return) oExample: SQLBULLETLIST(SELECT TOP 5 CardCode FROM OCRD) •SQLNUMBEREDLIST(<sql>) this will if given a SQL create a Numbered list (1,2,3... one item per row the SQL return) oExample: SQLNUMBEREDLIST(SELECT TOP 5 CardCode FROM OCRD)