First thing we need is the SQL that should executed in the Mass delivery run. In normal scenarios you only need to provide the WHERE condition but in Custom you need to provide the full SQL. The selected columns should the be paired the fields with the DI - Field Info below
UI – FormType
In this field you can write the formtype the this mass configuration. This is optional but if you provide the information you will be able to go to the window and interact with the window as it was any and of the out of the box supported delivery types
UI – DocKey
In this field you need to provide the dynamic syntax of where on the provided form above the primary key to report against is.
Example: If you on a screen have an item with uid = BOY_123 and that item holds the primary key of what you are reporting against you would need to write $[$BOY_123.0.0] in this field
UI – BP code
In this field you need to provide the dynamic syntax of where on the provided form above the BP code (if any) is located. This is optional but needed if you need you Report Action - Email configurations to pick up the emails.
Example: If you on a screen have an item with uid = BOY_456 and that item holds the BP Code you are reporting against you would need to write $[$BOY_456.0.0] in this field
UI – Contact Code
In this field you need to provide the dynamic syntax of where on the provided form above the BP Contact Person Code (if any) is located. This is optional but needed if you need you Report Action - Email configurations to pick up the emails of type 'Selected Document Contact person'.
Example: If you on a screen have an item with uid = BOY_789 and that item holds the BP Contact person id (The internal number) you are reporting against you would need to write $[$BOY_789.0.0] in this field
UI – Language Id
In this field you need to provide the dynamic syntax of where on the provided form above the wished language id (if any) of emails sent. This is optional or can be statically typed but needed if you need you Report Action - Email to be able to translate you emails automatically
Example: If you on a screen have an item with uid = BOY_111 and that item holds the Language Id (The internal number) you are reporting against you would need to write $[$BOY_111.0.0] in this field
List of valid language ids:
- 1 = Hebrew
- 3 = English
- 5 = Polish
- 8 = English (UK)
- 9 = German
- 11 = Danish
- 12 = Norwegian
- 13 = Italian
- 14 = Hungarian
- 16 = Dutch
- 17 = Finnish
- 18 = Greek
- 19 = Portuguese
- 20 = Swedish
- 22 = French
- 23 = Spanish
- 24 = Russian
- 25 = Spanish (LA)
- 26 = Czech
- 27 = Slovak
DI - Table
In this field you can write the table of this mass configuration (The main table you used in above SQL). This is required unless you are not using the mass delivery
DI - DocKey
In this field you need to provide the field from the above SQL that represent primary key to report against is.
Example: If you on a SQL where column U_KEY holds the primary key of what you are reporting against you would need to write U_KEY in this field
DI – BP code
In this field you need to provide the field from the above SQL that represent the BP code (if any). This is optional but needed if you need you Report Action - Email configurations to pick up the emails.
Example: If you on a SQL where column U_BP holds the BP Code of what you are reporting against you would need to write U_BP in this field
DI – Contact code
In this field you need to provide the field from the above SQL that represent the BP Contact Person Code (if any). This is optional but needed if you need you Report Action - Email configurations to pick up the emails of type 'Selected Document Contact person'.
Example: If you on a SQL where column U_CNCTC holds the Contact code (Internal number) you are reporting against you would need to write U_CNTCT in this field
DI – Language Id
In this field you need to provide the field from the above SQL that represent the wished language id (if any) of emails sent. This is optional or can be statically typed but needed if you need you Report Action - Email to be able to translate you emails automatically
Example: If you on a SQL where column U_LANG holds the Language id (Internal number) you are reporting against you would need to write U_LANG in this field
List of valid language ids:
- 1 = Hebrew
- 3 = English
- 5 = Polish
- 8 = English (UK)
- 9 = German
- 11 = Danish
- 12 = Norwegian
- 13 = Italian
- 14 = Hungarian
- 16 = Dutch
- 17 = Finnish
- 18 = Greek
- 19 = Portuguese
- 20 = Swedish
- 22 = French
- 23 = Spanish
- 24 = Russian
- 25 = Spanish (LA)
- 26 = Czech
- 27 = Slovak