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From this windows (Administration > Add-ons > B1 Usability Package > Module Configuration > Calendars) you can manage the Calendars that are configured in the system | Online Help Center






Create new Calendar

Press this button if you wish to make a new calendar. On pressed you will be taken to the calendar editor

Edit Selected Calendar

Press this button if you wish to edit the selected calendar (can also be done by double-clicking the row header). On pressed you will be taken to the calendar editor

Remove Selected Calendar

Press this button to remove the selected Calendar. Please note that calendars are global and might be in use (system will not break if in use, but the user will of cause not be able to use it anymore)

Restore default Calendars

Press this button if you wish to restore one or more out of the box calendars to their original state (+ bring back any removed default calendars). Warning: This will also restore all shared sources and filter-keywords


Press this button to Refresh the current list of calendars (Needed after example an import)


Press this button to export one or more calendars (+ the calendars sources and filters)


Press this button to import calendar exported from another system (+ calendars and sources linked to these calendars).

Warning: During an import, sources and filters linked with the imported calendars with the same name in the database will be overwritten without prompt!