Command: ExecuteSQL

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Syntax: ExecuteSQL(<SQL>);


Recommendation: This command have various limitation (example it can't for backward compatibility reasons contain semi-colons in the SQL you wish to execute).

For that reason we recommend you instead use the SQL command that is part of the Conditional Macro system.


Example: @STORE99 = SQL(<your SQL>); 

(The @STORE assignment is needed for this version of the SQL command as it can both execute and retrieve data)




Original feature description:


Executes the SQL given as parameter.

Sample: ExecuteSQL(UPDATE table SET field = 1 WHERE CardCode = ‘$[$4.0.0]’); executes the SQL and updates a field.

WARNING: Take care when using this command as it does not filter out SQL keywords like drop. Only UDT and UDF values are safe to be used with this command.