Command: UserQuery

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Syntax: UserQuery(<QueryId>);


[NB: The command is a legacy command. It is fully functional but we instead recommend that you use SQL Reports]


Enables you to activate a user query in the database. (Use this for the user queries instead of the User defined menu because the menu-Uid of a user query is not static)

Since there is no place in the client where you can find the true id of a user query you will need to use the following SQL sentence to find the key (Called Internal Key (Fieldname: IntrnalKey)).

SELECT T0.IntrnalKey, T0.QName, T1.CatName FROM OUQR T0 JOIN OQCN T1 ON T0.QCategory = T1.CategoryId WHERE T0.QCategory!=-2 ORDER BY T1.CatName, T0.QName