Here you enter the value that you wish to send along to the dashboard. You have several options on how to pass along parameters
- Fixed value
o You can enter any fixed value (123, abc and so on all depending on your report parameters value)
- Dynamic Syntax Value
o Use the common dynamic syntax ($[$<item>.<col>.<type>] or $[<table>.<field>.<type>]) to pass along data from the active window in SAP Business One. For more information on the dynamic syntax, see the dynamic syntax guide
§ Sample: $[$8.0.NUMBER] to pass the document number on a Sales Order.
- BOY_DOCKEY keyword
o This special keyword will give you the DocEntry-field of all sales and purchase documents and the primary key of other windows that are supported by B1UP
- BOY_USERNAME keyword
o This special keyword will give you the username of the current user
- BOY_USER keyword
o This special keyword will give you the internal key of the current user
- BOY_PERIOD keyword
o This special keyword will give you the current period
- SQL value
o Use the SQL:<your SQL> syntax to execute your SQL where the result of the SQL will be passed along as the value. In <your SQL> you can use the dynamic syntax
§ Sample: SQL:SELECT DocEntry FROM OINV WHERE DocNum = $[$8.0.0]
- Variables
o Use one of the 20 input variables(([%0], [%1], [%2], [%3] … [%19]))