Manual Item Import

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The Perfion Extension Manual Item Import can be found on the following path: Inventory > Perfion Manual Item Import




Choosing an import setup and pressing the import button will retrieve the data from Perfion PIM.

If no items were available for import then it will give a system message to that effect:



Otherwise it will give a prompt with the amount of items found and ask if you want to import them now:



Pressing yes will start the import, during which the form will show how far along it is and the item code of the item it is importing:



Once done a result form will open showing which items were import, if the import was successful, what the item code for the item is and a message saying if the item was added or updated:



If an item could not be could be import then, then the message will give an error explaining why it couldn't be import and the exception column will show the full error message:
