Schedule Item Import

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The Perfion Extension Schedule Item Import can be found on the following path: Administration > Add-Ons > B1 Usability Package > Module configuration > Perfion Extension > Schedule Item Import

Schedules allow you set up automated import of items from Perfion using selected setups.

Note: This requires the B1UP Server Component to have been installed and email settings needs to have been provided during the setup of the server component!







This is your name for the configuration for reference. This is also the name that will be shown in success and error emails from the scheduler.

Import Setup

Here you select the setup to use for the import.

Success email

If set you will receive an email confirming that the schedule where run correctly.

Error email

The email that will receive an error report if the schedule encounters and error.

Server start time (24 H/M)

When the schedule should be executed the first time.

Recurrence pattern

There are currently five supported types:

Minutely: Run the schedule every X minutes.

Hourly: Run the schedule every X hours.

Daily: Run the schedule once each day on the server start time.

Weekly: Run the schedule on specific days of the week on the server time.

Monthly: Run the schedule every X day of the month on the server time.

Only ones: Run the schedule only on the start date and the server start time.

Last day of month: Run the schedule on the last day of the month on the server start time (hour and minute)

Range of recurrence

Start: Start date of the recurrence.

No end date: The schedule should never end.

End by: The schedule should end by the specific date.