This icon will only show if you get multiple hits from selected email - ie the email matches several different Business Partners. You click to select which of the matches you wish to see.
Business Partner Name
Displays the Business Partner name
- The arrow will be golden if the BP is active, otherwise it'll be gray.
- You can click this to open the Business Partner window
- Hover the mouse over it to see BP Code, Type and Database
Here the street name of the default Bill To address is shown. Clicking it will show both the default Bill To and Ship To addresses in more details
- Clicking an address will take you to Google Maps
- CTRL + Click to get driving direction from your address to the Business Partner's address using Google Maps.
Phone numbers
Here the main company contact numbers are shown
- Click on phone number to call it using your current softphone/messenger (we use the Windows tel: feature for this)
- CTRL + Click to edit the phone number
Country and BP group
This shows the country on the bill to address + the BP Group the Business Partner is in.
-- There is no additional functionality
This is the current balance of the Business Partner in Local currency.
- If you have a local SAP B1 Client you can click this to go to the BP Account Balance screen
- If the BP have a currency different from the local currency, you can see it in the tooltip when you hover the mouse over it.
Here you can see the company website
- Click it to open it in your browser
- If no website is stored click it to define it
KPI indicators
Here you can see Key Performance Indicators for the specific Business Partner
- If you have a local SAP B1 Client you can click it to open the Sales Analysis.
Here you can see chart of the top 5 sold items to the Business Partner for the current year (aka the data reset every year)
If you have a Business Partner with nothing sold in the current year you will instead see this.
Here is an example of the SQL used to show data for a customer (Supplier is similar but with purchase invoices instead)
SET @CardCode = N'C20000';
SET @ThisYear = 2022;
T0.ItemCode, ISNULL((SELECT ISNULL(TS0.ItemName,'') FROM OITM TS0 WHERE TS0.ItemCode = T0.ItemCode), '') AS Description,
SUM(T0.LineTotal) AS Total FROM INV1 T0 JOIN OINV T1 ON T0.DocEntry = T1.DocEntry WHERE T0.ItemCode IS NOT NULL AND T1.CardCode = @CardCode AND YEAR(T1.DocDate) = @ThisYear
GROUP BY T0.ItemCode
Here you can setup what User Defined Fields to show for the Business Partner
See more under 'Working with Business Partners'
- This selection is user-specific (different users can see different fields)
o You define what fields to show by clicking the option at the bottom.
- You can click it to copy the value to the clipboard
- You can edit a UDF value by CTRL + Click it.
Update Business Partner
Pressing here will display the Business Partner window. See more under 'Working with Business Partners'
Update Contact Persons
See more under 'Working with Business Partners'
Update Addresses
See more under 'Working with Business Partners'